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Avon Red Rose Necklace
70s Wood Round Earrings
90s Wood Triangle Decoupage Earrings
90's Dachshund Charm
40s Red Hat in Sterling Box Charm
70s Wood Disk Beaded Necklace
90s Guilloche Enamel Panel Earrings
80s Red Dome Earrings
60s Red Beaded Necklace
70s Red Enamel Demi Parure
Statement Beaded Necklace with Disk Pendant
Vintage Wood Hand Painted Round Earrings
80s Raspberry Red Flower Brooch
Novelty Bow & Double Heart Earrings
80s Red and Cream Enamel Brooch
Avon Nancy & Rise Demi Parure
70s Gold Tone Filigree Flower Brooch
Vintage Red Rose Pin